WARNING: Nashville is currently experiencing substantial community spread of the COVID-19 virus. The Adult Volleyball League season corresponds with the holiday season and we urge all league players to practice healthy habits both on and off the courts. Please take into consideration the increased risk of exposure to or transmission of the COVID-19 virus as you participate in both league games and any small gatherings for the holidays. The best way to protect our teammates, friends, and family is by wearing a mask, social distancing, and practicing good hand hygiene.
Metro Parks and Recreation Sports Department offers Adult Co-Ed Volleyball Leagues to ALL skill levels:
Recreational League
Competitive League
League Information:
metro parks adult volleyball guidelines.pdf
adult volleyball covid safety plan 003.pdf
adult sports vb application_.pdf
adult volleyball team roster.pdf
- Ages 18 and over
- Women's Fall League Game Times: Tuesday's Between 6:30pm-7:30pm (Hermitage Community Center)
- Co-ed Fall League Game Times: Sunday's Between 2:00pm-5:00pm (East Park Regional Community Center)
- Game style: Best 2 out of 3 games; Rally scoring to 25pts.
- Price: $250/team; $55 individual
- 8-game guarantee (including single elimination playoffs for all teams)
- 6-on- 6; 12 players maximum roster
- Team jerseys are not required, same color shirt & player jersey number only
*Women's and Co-ed Volleyball Leagues are offered year round.
Please email completed Registration application to [email protected] .
Registration Dates Aug 12th- Sept 30th, 2022
*Full payment is due at time of registration.
Co-ed League games will be played at (East Park Community Center).
Women's League games will be played at (Hermitage Community Center.)
Co-Ed League games will be played at (Smith Springs Community Center)
You must pay your league entry fee at the time of registration. The fee is $250.00 per team. Individual Free Agents $55
*Individual free agents are placed on teams deemed by league organizer.
Start Date
October 4th,2022
Please have required contact information for your team: name, manager or coach, address, email, and phone numbers (home and work) when completing registration.
For questions, call 615-862-8462 or Email [email protected]